AutoXchange 2024 Technical Documentation

AutoCAD Handle-Based Processing

The following parameters defines the methods for retaining all geometrical objects defined by a Handle in an AutoCAD DWG or DXF file .

Database Parameters
Parameter Name JSON Name Purpose
HL HandleLayer Handle Layer
HLALL HLALL Handle Layer All

Handle Layer

Purpose This parameter specifies each of the layers in the drawing that shall retain the original geometry (no optimization) and their AutoCAD Handle. The handle is set for each object in the SVG through the attribute cvjs:handle=“handlexxxxxxxx” and furthermore, the class definition for each Handle processed object contains cvjs_handles as well as the entity type using the AutoCAD syntax AcDbxxxxxxx.
Example -HL=“layer1;layer2”
JSON Example {“HandleLayer”:“layer1;layer2”}
Use With SVG Only
Note -HL="*ALL*" will process all layers in the drawing

Handle Layer All

Purpose This parameter processes all layers in the drawing to retain the original geometry (no optimization) and their AutoCAD Handle. The handle is set for each object in the SVG through the attribute cvjs:handle=“handlexxxxxxxx” and furthermore, the class definition for each Handle processed object contains cvjs_handles as well as the entity type using the AutoCAD syntax AcDbxxxxxxx
Example -HLALL
JSON Example {“HLALL”:""}
Use With SVG Only
Alias -HL="*ALL*"
Note A .csv file is created with the same name as the output file. It contains all handles in the drawing and their corresponding entity type.
Last updated on 17 Jan 2021
Published on 17 Jan 2021