AutoXchange 2024 Technical Documentation

Font Parameters

Font Parameters
Parameter JSON Parameter Description
FPATH Font Path Font path location
CP CodePage Codepage
DF DefaultFont Default Font
DI DefaultItalicFont Default Font Italic
DEFAULTSHX DefaultShx Default SHX Font
DEFAULTBIGFONT DefaultBigFont Default Big Font
LAN Language Default Language
STROKE StrokeText Stroke out Text
STROKEALLSHX StrokeAllShx Stroke All SHX
SVGTOL SvgCoincidentTolerance SVG tolerance

Font Path

Purpose This parameter allows the specification of an alternate location for the font files. The default is to look for the font file in the same directory as the executable followed by the directory where the input file is located.
Example -FPATH=c:\myfonts
Alias -FP
Use With all graphic formats


Purpose This parameter allows the specification of a different code page to be used for font definitions. The default is the standard Windows Code Page CP1252.
Example -CODEPAGE=CP1250
JSON {“CodePage” : “CP1250”}
Alias -CP
Use With all graphic formats

Default Font

Purpose This parameter controls which font is used when the original font is not recognized.
Example -FONT=arial
JSON {“DefaultFont” : “Arial”}
Alias -DF
Use With all graphic formats

Default Font Italic

Purpose This parameter controls which font is used when the original italic font is not recognized.
Example -ITALIC=arial
JSON {“DefaultItalicFont” : “Arial Italic”}
Alias -DI
Use With all graphic formats

Default SHX Font

Purpose This parameter controls which font is used when the original SHX font is not present on the system.
Example -DEFAULTS=isocp.shx
JSON {“DefaultShxFont” : “isocp.shx”}
Alias None
Use With all graphic formats

Default BigFont

Purpose This parameter controls which font is used when the original SHX Big Font is not present on the system.
Example -DEFAULTB=abc.shx
JSON {“DefaultBigFont” : “abc.shx”}
Alias None
Use With all graphic formats

Default Language

Purpose This parameter controls which language is used to select the default font when the original font is not found.
Example -LAN=CH
JSON {“Language” : “ES”}
Values EN - English
FR - French
CH - Chinese
ES or SP- Spanish
DE or GE- German
HE or HB- Hebrew
JA or JP- Japanese
KO or KR- Korean
Alias -LAN
-EN or -UK - English (-US is already used)
-FR - French
-CH - Chinese
-ES or -SP- Spanish
-DE or -GE- German
-HE or -HB- Hebrew
-JA or -JP- Japanese
-KO or -KR- Korean
Use With all graphic formats


Purpose This parameter controls stroking out of Fonts. All Text is rendered as filled polygons or lines.
Example -STROKE
JSON {“StrokeText” : “true”}
{“StrokeText” : true}
Alias -ST
Use With all graphic formats

Stroke All SHX

Purpose This parameter controls stroking out SHX Fonts. All SHX-based Text is rendered as filled polygons or lines.
Example -STROKEA
JSON {“StrokeAllShx” : “true”}
Alias None
Use With all graphic formats

SVG Tolerance

Purpose This parameter sets the distance between points in SVG paths. If you uses -StrokeA[llSHX] it will automatically set SvgCoincidentTolerance to 0.005.
Example -SVGTOL = 0.005
JSON {“SvgCoincidentTolerance” : “0.005”}
Alias None
Use With all graphic formats
Last updated on 22 Dec 2022
Published on 22 Apr 2020