AutoXchange 2024 Technical Documentation

Command Line Usage

The following is the basic AutoXChange 2024 command syntax:


The main elements of every command are (1) the actions, and (2) any parameters that affect the output.

All command parameters are preceded by a dash (-). Some parameters will be noted as letters and others will be noted as numbers, while others (such as directory paths) will follow the dash with a space and then a text string—as shown in the previous example. Parameters and their values can be seperated by either an equal size ("=") or a space.

The actions in the above-noted example are indicated by the “-i=”, “-o=” and the “-f=”, plus the three placeholders—as detailed here:

<INPUT FILE> This placeholder should be replaced with the name of the input (source) file—the .DWG or .DXF-format file you want converted. If the input file is not in the same directory as AutoXChange 2024, then either the full or relative directory path must be entered—as shown here: -i c:/MainDir/SourceDir/OrigFile.dwg The -i is optional if this is the first parameter listed. If there are any spaces in the file name, the file name must be enclosed in quote marks (usually double quote marks on Windows and single quote marks on Linux/UNIX).
<OUTPUT FILE> This should be the name of the output (resulting) file. If the output file is not to be created in the same directory as AutoXChange 2024, then the full directory path of the destination directory must be entered—as shown here: -o c:/MainDir/DestDir/NewFile.jpg The -o is optional if this is the second parameter listed and the input file was the first. This parameter is optional. If not listed, the output file name will default to the input file name with the proper extension for the output type. If there are any spaces in the file name, the file name must be enclosed in quote marks (usually double quote marks on Windows and single quote marks on Linux/UNIX).
<FORMAT> This specifies the format of the output file.


If working with an AutoCAD file as input file, the conversion will default to ModelSpace if no View parameter is set. Please see the section View and Size Processing for more information.

Last updated on 18 May 2022
Published on 22 Mar 2020