AutoXchange 2020 Technical Documentation


In order to use something other than the built-in stick font in AutoXChange 2020, you have to have the TTF or SHX file on the system. TTF files on Windows are installed as part of the operating system and should be loaded that way.

SHX fonts are imported from the directory pointed to by the ACAD environment variable. If you have AutoCAD on the system then it should already be set up. Otherwise the SHX fonts need to be put in a directory and the ACAD environment variable should be defined. Under Windows it is defined under the control panel.

On Linux and UNIX it is defined using the “export” command. For instance: export ACAD=”/usr/shxfonts/”. You can see if the environment variable is already set using the “echo $ACAD” command.

Last updated on 22 Mar 2020
Published on 22 Mar 2020