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AutoXChange 2011 XML Reference

Table of contents

1. Overview
2. General Use Cases
    2.1 Add New Entities
    2.2 Modify Existing Entities
3. LinkList/XML
4. Change Existing Entities
    4.1 Modify Existing Insert
        4.1.1 Change Insert Color
        4.1.2 Change Insert Linestyle
        4.1.3 Hatch Insert
        4.1.4 Hatch Specific Polyline in Insert
        4.1.5 Add Single Line Text to Insert
        4.1.6 Add Multiple Line Text to Insert
        4.1.7 Add Hyperlink to Insert
        4.1.8 Add Database Information to Insert
        4.1.9 Change Attribute
    4.2 Modify Existing Polyline
        4.2.1 Change Polyline Color
        4.2.2 Change Polyline Linestyle
        4.2.3 Hatch Polyline
5. Add New Entities
    5.1 Common Elements
    5.2 Outline with lines
    5.3 Outline with points
    5.4 Hatch Polyline
    5.5 Add Hyperlink
6. Add New Text Element
    6.1 Common Elements
    6.2 Block Name

1. Overview

The Reference Manual describes the XML-based modification capabilities built into AutoXChange 2011. The command "-db=" is used to include XML-based modification instructions to AutoXchange 2010. These extensive capabilities described below allow the user to:

The XML-based modification capabilities in AutoXchange 2011 are for AutoCAD professionals that has drawings where graphical content needs to be updated on a frequent level, but where it is not feasible from an technical or econmical standpoint to use the authoring CAD application every time a graphical modification has to be done.


2. General Use Cases

The following sample use cases show some of the ways the XML capability can be used.

The general use cases are typically AutoCAD users with a set of floor plans where the content of single or multiple sub-spaces within a floor-plan change status or purpose on a relative frequent basis. An update of the graphical information in the floor plans is therefore needed frequently, and it is not economically feasible to update the floor plans in the CAD authoring tool. The graphical content that changes is either available in a DB application, or is obtained by other means. One recommended extraction tool is: LinkList/XML

The core use-cases are:



2.1 Add New Entities

Use Case #1  - Add New Entities

  • Company has existing database with CAFM information for office buildings
  • Drawings are done in AutoCAD
  • Each room in each building is identified via a unique block name
  • The AutoCAD file shows the floor plan, but does not contain the area definitions. The area definitions are stored in company database, cross referenced via the AutoCAD block name.
  • Each room (area) can have zero, one or many pieces of information associated with it

The users drawings are typical floor plans, but do not define the "room" or "area" definitions in a manner that can be consistently obtained. Instead there is an external database that includes both the CAFM information such as what the purpose of the area is, what furniture, people etc.that is in the area, plus the coordinates of an outline that encloses the area.

The user then uses AX2011 to add new Block Definitions to the existing drawing and create Object Node database linkages in the resulting DWF file. The new Block Definitions include a polyline(s) that define the area for the room. They can also define text, hyperlinks and hatching that is be added to the resulting DWF file.


2.2 Modify Existing Entities

Use Case #2 - Modify Existing Entities

  • Company has existing database with CAFM information for office buildings
  • Drawings are done in AutoCAD
  • Each room in each building is identified via a unique block name
  • The AutoCAD file has the graphical information. The database information is stored in an external file, cross reference via the AutoCAD block name
  • Each room can have zero, one or many pieces of information associated with it

The user has existing AutoCAD drawings that define each "room" or "area" by a unique polyline. Their external database uses the AutoCAD entity handles to uniquely identify the polyline or insert that defines the area.

The user need to change the color, hatching and/or linetype of the existing polyline as the uses of the rooms changed. They also want to add text within the area to explain the area use, add hyperlinks to link between the drawing and other drawings or web pages, and to define database linkages for the area.
(AutoCAD entity handles)


3. LinkList/XML

LinkList/XML creates AutoCAD 2011-compatible XML files. It creates a correctly formatted XML file that lists all of the block definitions and polylines in the drawing.

The resulting XML file can be used as the starting point for changing the entities in the drawing.

For each Insert or Polyline defined in the AutoCAD file, LinkList/XML lists:

Sample XML file produced by LinkList/XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


4. Change Existing Entities

The following topics describe how to modify existing polylines and inserts using the XML file. Each topic describes what is to be done, shows sample XML syntax and an image of the result.


4.1 Modify Existing Insert

The first section of the changes portion of the XML file allows the user to change existing Block References (Inserts). The section begins with a <BlockRefs> tag and ends with a </BlockRefs> tag. One or more <BlockRef> sections can be defined between the <BlockRefs>/</BlockRefs> tags.

The general syntax for the Block Reference changes section of the XML file is:


The following attributes can be modified:


4.1.1 Change Insert Color

The following allows the user to change the color for the insert. A new copy of the block definition will be created with all entities defined with color "ByBlock". This will force all of the entities to have the color defined here. If the color is defined as "ByBlock" then it will have the color of the block that contains the insert (or Black/White if this is a top level insert (an insert that is not inside another insert).

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <Color>6 </Color>

XML Specifics

 Name  OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle  REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Color  REQUIRED    This is the color to change to.


4.1.2 Change Insert Linestyle

The following allows the user to change the linestyle for the insert. A new copy of the block definition will be created with all entities defined with linestyle "ByBlock". This will force all of the entities to have the linestyle defined here. If the linestyle is defined as "ByBlock" then it will have the linestyle of the block that contains the insert (or "Continuous" if this is a top level insert (an insert that is not inside another insert). The default if nothing is listed is "Continuous".

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <Linestyle>Dashed </Linestyle>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Linestyle OPTIONAL    This is the linestyle to change to.


4.1.3 Hatch Insert

The following syntax allows the user to apply a hatch to all polylines in a given Block Reference.

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <HatchType>ANSI33 </HatchType>
    <HatchScale>2.5 </HatchScale>
    <HatchAngle>45 </HatchAngle>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL   This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED   This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 HatchType OPTIONAL   This is the Hatch Type to use in hatching all polylines in the given Block Reference.
 HatchScale OPTIONAL   This is the scale to use in creating the hatch. A larger scale will result in further distance between lines in the hatch. The default is 1.0
 HatchAngle OPTIONAL   This is the angle to use in creating the hatch. The hatch will be created rotated at the angle specified. The default is 0.


4.1.4 Hatch Specific Polyline in Insert

The following syntax allows the user to apply a hatch to a specific polyline in a given Block Reference. If the given polyline is not part of the given Block Definition then nothing will occur.

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <HatchType>ANSI33 </HatchType>
    <HatchHandle>C7 </HatchHandle>
    <HatchScale>2.5 </HatchScale>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle . It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 HatchType OPTIONAL    This is the Hatch Type to use in hatching all polylines in the given Block Reference.
 HatchHandle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle of the polyline in the Block Reference. It defines the specific Polyline being modified.
 HatchScale OPTIONAL    This is the scale to use in creating the hatch. A larger scale will result in further distance between lines in the hatch. The default is 1.0


4.1.5 Add Single Line Text to Insert

The following syntax allows the user to add a single line of text in the middle of the given Block Reference.

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <Text>Sample D5 </Text>
    <TextHeight>.2 </TextHeight>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Text REQUIRED    The text string to add at the middle of the Block Reference.
 TextHeight OPTIONAL    The height (in World Coordinates) of the text to be added.


4.1.6 Add Multiple Line Text to Insert

The following syntax allows the user to add a multiple line text string in the middle of the given Block Reference.

The syntax is identical to the Single Line Text syntax except the text string contains Line End marks (\P).

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D9 </Handle>
    <Text>Sample D9\PSecond Line\PThird Line </Text>
    <TextHeight>.2 </TextHeight>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Text REQUIRED    The text string to add at the middle of the Block Reference. The extra lines are marked using the Line End symbol "\P". The entire paragraph is centered in the middle of the insert.
 TextHeight OPTIONAL    The height (in World Coordinates) of the text to be added.



4.1.7 Add Hyperlink to Insert

The following syntax allows the user to add a hyperlink (URL) for the given Block Reference. All entities in the Block Reference will be part of the hyperlink (including any text added using the XML file).

The user can define a second string, the Hyperlink Comment, that will be displayed instead of the actual Hyperlink when the drawing is viewed.

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
    <Hyperlink>www.tailormade.com </Hyperlink>
    <Comment>Tailor Made Software </Comment>

XML Specifics

 Name OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Hyperlink REQUIRED    The hyperlink for this Block Reference. The Hyperlink can be Javascript commands, not just URLs.
 Comment OPTIONAL    The text string to display instead for the Hyperlink.


4.1.8 Add Database Information to Insert

Users can add textual database information to any existing Block Reference. One or more sets of information, known as Object Nodes, can be added to the Block Reference. The information is displayed in the Properties field in the DWF Viewer.

The following syntax allows the user to add a hyperlink (URL) for the given Block Reference. All entities in the Block Reference will be part of the hyperlink (including any text added using the XML file).

The user can define a second string, the Hyperlink Comment, that will be displayed instead of the actual Hyperlink when the drawing is viewed.

XML Syntax

One item only:

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>DD </Handle>
    <ObjectNode Data1 ="Desk" Data2 =" Oak - 3x6" />

More than one item:

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>DD </Handle>
        <ObjectNode Data1="Desk" Data2=" Oak - 3x6" />
        <ObjectNode Data1="Chair" Data2=" Swivel - XLarge" />

Alternate syntax:

            <Data1>Desk </Data1>
            <Data2>Oak - 3x6 </Data2>
            <Data1>Chair </Data1>
            <Data2>Swivel - XLarge </Data2>

XML Specifics

 Name REQUIRED    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Data1 REQUIRED    Text field that is displayed first. Usually the data type.
 Data2 REQUIRED    Text field that is displayed second. Usually used for type specific data.


4.1.9 Change Attribute

The following allows the user to change the attributes for the insert.

XML Syntax

    <Name>lote </Name>
    <Handle>D5 </Handle>
        <Attribute Tag="tagValue" String="string" \>

XML Specifics

 Name  OPTIONAL    This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
 Handle  REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
 Attributes  REQUIRED    Marks the set of Attribute change commands. Required even if only one Attribute record is defined.
 Attribute  REQUIRED     Defines each Attribute change commands.
 Tag  REQUIRED     The Tag name for the Attribute Definition
 String  REQUIRED     The value to be used for that Tag.


4.2 Modify Existing Polyline

The second section of the changes portion of the XML file allows the user to change existing Polylines. The section begins with a <Polylines> tag and ends with a </Polylines> tag. One or more <Polyline> sections can be defined between the <Polylines>/</Polylines> tags.

The general syntax for the Polylines changes section of the XML file is:



The following attributes can be modified:

  • Change Polyline Color
  • Change Polyline Linestyle
  • Hatch Polyline


    4.2.1 Change Polyline Color

    The following allows the user to change the color a given polyline.

    XML Syntax

        <Handle>C7 </Handle>
        <Color>1 </Color>

    XML Specifics

     Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific polyline being modified.
     Color REQUIRED    This is the color to change to.


    4.2.2 Change Polyline Linestyle

    The following allows the user to change the linestyle for the polyline. The default if nothing is listed is "Continuous".

    XML Syntax

        <Handle>D5 </Handle>
        <Linestyle>Dashed </Linestyle>

    XML Specifics

     Handle  REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Polyline being modified.
     Linestyle  REQUIRED    This is the linestyle to change to.


    4.2.3 Hatch Polyline

    The following syntax allows the user to apply a hatch to the given polyline.

    XML Syntax

        <Handle>D5 </Handle>
        <HatchType>ANSI33 </HatchType>
        <HatchScale>2.5 </HatchScale>
        <HatchAngle>45 </HatchAngle>

    XML Specifics

     Handle REQUIRED    This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific polyline being modified. A listing of standard AutoCAD hatch patterns can be found at http://www.etecad.com/download/hatchpats.pdf . However, users can define their own hatch patterns also.
     HatchType REQUIRED    This is the Hatch Type to use to hatch the polyline.
     HatchScale OPTIONAL    This is the scale to use in creating the hatch. A larger scale will result in further distance between lines in the hatch. The default is 1.0
     HatchAngle OPTIONAL    This is the angle to use in creating the hatch. The hatch will be created rotated at the angle specified. The default is 0.


    5. Add New Entities

    The following topics describe how to add new entities to the drawing file via the XML file. Each topic describes what is to be done, shows sample XML syntax and an image of the result.

    The section begins with a <Add> tag and ends with a </Add> tag. One or more <AreaData> sections can be defined between the <Add>/</Add> tags.

    The general syntax for the Block Reference changes section of the XML file is:


    XML Sample

                <ObjectNode Data1="Overview" Data2="RoomDetails"
                <ObjectNode Data1="Desk" Data2="Oak - 3x6"
                <ObjectNode Data1="Chair" Data2="Swivel - XLarge"
                <DataLine x1="6518" y1="6521" x2="5663" y2="6521"
                <DataLine x1="5663" y1="6521" x2="5663" y2="9656"
                <DataLine x1="5663" y1="9656" x2="1768" y2="9656"
                <DataLine x1="1768" y1="9656" x2="1768" y2="4051"
                <DataLine x1="1768" y1="4051" x2="6518" y2="4051"
                <DataLine x1="6518" y1="4051" x2="6518" y2="6521"



    5.1 Common Elements

    Currently AutoXChange 2011 allows the user to add one or more Block References (Inserts) via the XML file. Each insert must contain one or more line or polyline entities. Optionally it may also contain a text entity, database linkages and hyperlinks. Several items are required in the XML for all Block Reference additions.

    XML Syntax


    XML Specifics

    AreaData REQUIRED   This marks the beginning and ending of the entity definition. Everything between the <AreaData>/</AreaData> tags relates to a single Area definition (or Block). There can be one or many AreaData sections in the XML file.
    Id REQUIRED   This is the name of the Block Definition. This must be unique and should not already exist in the drawing. If the Id is not unique then all such AreaData sections will be combined into one.
    Color OPTIONAL   This is the color to make the entities. If no color is listed then Black is used.


    5.2 Outline with lines

    You can add an outline using either points or lines. When defining the outline using lines each line is listed separately. You must be careful that the lines form a closed polygon if you want it hatched.

    XML Syntax

        <DataLine x1="6518" y1="6521" x2="5663" y2="6521"
        <DataLine x1="5663" y1="6521" x2="5663" y2="9656"
        <DataLine x1="5663" y1="9656" x2="1768" y2="9656"
        <DataLine x1="1768" y1="9656" x2="1768" y2="4051"
        <DataLine x1="1768" y1="4051" x2="6518" y2="4051"
        <DataLine x1="6518" y1="4051" x2="6518" y2="6521"

    Alternate Syntax:


    XML Specifics

    Outline Denotes the start of the outline (polyline).
    DataLine Marks the start of a line to be added.
    X1, Y1 The X and Y coordinates of the start of the line
    X2, Y2 The X and Y coordinates of the end of the line



    5.3 Outline with points

    You can add an outline using either points or lines. When defining the outline using points the points will form a single polyline. If the first and last points are not the same, an extra point will be added to ensure a closed polyline.

    XML Syntax

    <DataPoint x="10" y="35" />
    <DataPoint x="20" y="35" />
    <DataPoint x="20" y="45" />
    <DataPoint x="10" y="45" />

    Alternate Syntax:

        <DataPoint >
        </DataPoint >
        <DataPoint >
        </DataPoint >
        <DataPoint >
        </DataPoint >
        <DataPoint >
        </DataPoint >

    XML Specifics

    Outline Denotes the start of the outline (polyline).
    DataLine Marks the start of a line to be added.
    X, Y The X and Y coordinates of each point


    5.4 Hatch Polyline

    You can hatch the new polyline by defining the HatchType and, optionally, the HatchScale.

    XML Syntax


    XML Specifics

     HatchType REQUIRED   This is the Hatch Type to use in hatching the polyline. A listing of standard AutoCAD hatch patterns can be found at http://www.etecad.com/download/hatchpats.pdf . However, users can define their own hatch patterns also.
     HatchScale OPTIONAL   This is the scale to use in creating the hatch. A larger scale will result in further distance between lines in the hatch. The default is 1.0
     HatchAngle OPTIONAL    This is the angle to use in creating the hatch. The hatch will be created rotated at the angle specified. The default is 0.


    5.5 Add Hyperlink

    The following syntax allows the user to add a hyperlink (URL) for the given Block Reference. All entities in the Block Reference will be part of the hyperlink (including any text added using the XML file).

    The user can define a second string, the Hyperlink Comment, that will be displayed instead of the actual Hyperlink when the drawing is viewed.

    XML Syntax

    <Comment>Tailor Made Software's DWF Viewer</Comment>

    XML Specifics

     Name This is the name of the Block Definition. This is actually optional, but makes the file easier to read.
     Handle This is the AutoCAD Entity Handle. It defines the specific Block Reference (Insert) being modified.
     Hyperlink The hyperlink for this Block Reference. The Hyperlink can be Javascript commands, not just URLs.
     Comment The text string to display instead for the Hyperlink.


    6. Add New Text Element

    The following topics describe how to add new text entities to the drawing file via the XML file. Text elements can be added to a given block or to the drawings ModelSpace. Each topic describes what is to be done and shows sample XML syntax.

    The section begins with a <TextNodes> tag and ends with a </TextNodes> tag. One or more <TextNode> sections can be defined between the <TextNodes>/</TextNodes> tags.

    The general syntax for the Block Reference changes section of the XML file is:


    XML Sample

            <String>A Text String</String>
            <String>A Second Text String</String>
            <Font>Times Roman</Font>



    6.1 Common Elements

    The user can define text strings to be added to a given block or the ModelSpace of the drawing.

    XML Syntax

        <String>A Text String</String

    XML Specifics

    TextNode REQUIRED    This marks the beginning and ending of the text entity definition. Everything between the <TextNode>/</TextNode> tags relates to a single text definition. There can be one or many TextNode sections in the XML file.
    String REQUIRED   This is the text string to add to the drawing. It can be a single or multiple line text string. Add "\P" to the text string to define a line break in a multiple line string.
    Height OPTIONAL    This is the height to use for the string.
    x OPTIONAL    This is the horizontal offset (in drawing units) for the center of the string. The default is zero.
    y OPTIONAL    This is the vertical offset (in drawing units) for the center of the string. The default is zero.


    6.2 Block Name

     The text strings can be added to a given block or the ModelSpace of the drawing. If the BlockName item is not defined then the string will be added to the drawing's ModelSpace.

    XML Syntax


    XML Specifics

    BlockName OPTIONAL   This is the name of the Block to add the text string to. If the Block does not exist in the drawing then the TextNode is ignored. If no BlockName is defined then the TextNode is added to the ModelSpace instead.

