DwgList 2023 for Linux is shipped as a tar.gz file. The executable is called “DwgList 2023_LBB_NN_MM_PP” (where BB is the type of Linux (32-bit or 64-bit), NN is the major version number, MM is the medium version number and PP is the minor version number - so DwgList 2023 Linux 64-bit V1.00.06 would be DwgList 2023_L64_01_00_06) but you can rename it to whatever you want.
- After downloading the executable file, transfer it to the directory of your choice.
- Rename it if you want
- You may desire to create a system wide link to this executable from the /usr/system/bin or /usr/bin directories.
- Uncompress the files using “tar -xvf DwgList 2023_LBB_NN_MM_PP”. This will unpack the executable and the needed .so (dynamic system object, like a Windows DLL) files